Take Control of Your Manufacturing with Industrial 3D Printing for End-Use Parts.
The way your product is manufactured defines it. Choosing the wrong process can skyrocket your price or drive quality into the ground. With industrial 3D printing, you'll remove the constraints of traditional production and experience truly flexible rapid manufacturing. Easily balance inventory and scale with demand without risky investments. Use mass customization to personalize products with unparalleled simplicity or keep unified production agile and always ready to improve.
Empower your production with true flexibility from start to finish, with BigRep's proven industrial solutions. Modernize your production today.

BigRep PRO是一台1立方米的动力型3D打印机,满足您原型设计到生产的需求。它提供了一个高度可扩展的解决方案,使用高性能的工程级材料制造最终用途零件、工厂工具等。与其他制造和FFF打印解决方案相比,PRO可以以更快是速度和更低的生产成本生产出全尺寸的精确零件。
BigRep PRO是一台1立方米的动力型3D打印机,满足您原型设计到生产的需求。它提供了一个高度可扩展的解决方案,使用高性能的工程级材料制造最终用途零件、工厂工具等。与其他制造和FFF打印解决方案相比,PRO可以以更快是速度和更低的生产成本生产出全尺寸的精确零件。