Develop Solutions On-Demand with Industrial 3D Printing for Jigs and Fixtures.
A healthy production line needs a reliable flow of tooling, and the ability to be agile when faced with unexpected challenges. With industrial 3D printing you'll eliminate toolmaking bottlenecks by manufacturing crucial production equipment like jigs and fixtures in house for fast, affordable, and efficient operations. Ensure product updates pose no challenge to your production line with rapid tooling that ensures your production line is always ready with the tools you need.
Empower manufacturing with agile tooling on demand, with BigRep's proven industrial solutions. Modernize your production today.

BigRep STUDIO G2让3D打印离开办公桌,将其提升到新水平。STUDIO G2的操作与桌面3D打印机一样简单,但其构建体积是桌面3D打印机的10倍,它以紧密集中的“无处不在”的构建方式提供大规模的工业制造能力.
BigRep STUDIO G2让3D打印离开办公桌,将其提升到新水平。STUDIO G2的操作与桌面3D打印机一样简单,但其构建体积是桌面3D打印机的10倍,它以紧密集中的“无处不在”的构建方式提供大规模的工业制造能力